If at first you don’t succeed….

you are probably human! Failure is inevitable but our ability to maintain integrity while learning from our failures is way more important than being successful all of the time. I’m very hard on myself and have always battled my obsession with perfection. Once I calm myself down and dig deep I always realize that imperfections are what make us unique humans. As humans we can learn from, adapt to and overcome most things but expecting constant success and perfection is irrational. I’m not perfect. You’re not perfect. Maintain integrity. Push yourself. Acknowledge and celebrate your faults or weakness. Be positive. Live in this moment. You (and me) will be the BEST version of ourselves at this very moment.



On a daily basis I drink a variety of things. Many people overlook their beverage choices as far as nutrition is concerned. I’ve know many people who were able to lose weight or reach fitness goals just by making better beverage choices. I’ve decided to share with you a few of my favorite, daily beverage choices. There will be a follow up post in the near future discussing beverages to avoid.

1. neuro
Neuro beverages are lightly carbonated flavored water with added vitamins and nutrients. My favorite may be the Mellow Mango SLEEP drink. It’s light and delicious. THe SLEEP beverage contains melatonin and really helps me fall asleep and stay asleep. I’ve tried all of their drinks and love them all. They’ve up’ed their game and added more variety.

2. karma
Karma wellness water is a recent (accidental) find. While shopping for water I saw these were on sale and decided to try a few flavors. Similar to neuro they have different drinks, for different needs and in different flavors. Karma is different from other dirnks thought, in that you do not add the vitamins and flavors to the water until you are ready to drink. I have not seen anything like this before. All of the flavors are unique and delicious. My only complaint is that if you don’t not mix it well enough, you’ll get a little of that vitamin flavor.

3. Vita Coco
This remains one of the favorites. Coconut water with delicious flavors. I usually use this with my protein powder to make a delicious tropical shake. They’ve come out a with a lemonade flavor that is great for summer. I’ve found people either love or hate coconut water. If you are a coconut water hater, this may not be for you.

4. Zico
Chocolate coconut water. This is heavenly!!! You will think you are drinking chocolate milk, NOT drinking coconut water. Whether you love or hate coconut water, you are guarenteed to love this drink. Though hard to find, they also have a pineapple flavor which I prefer over the Vita Coco pineapple flavor.

5. Smart Water
If i’m going to buy a bottled water this is usually my go to. Such a clean, crisp flavor.

6. Hawaiian Springs
This is another accidental find. While peruzing through The Fresh Market, I had not choice but to grade one of these, as i’ve always been obsessed with Hawaii. It may have been a mental thing, but I’m pretty sure this was the best water I’ve ever had.

7. Water (in general)
I drink a lot of filtered water from my fridge. It’s not Hawaiian or Smart water, but still delicious.

8. Milk
Regular, Low-Fat, milk. People have many issues with milk and swear by Soy or Coconut Milk. I’ve tried milk alternatives but I just love regular milk too much and nothing can compare.

My Church

This is my church. For me, there is no time or place more serene and peaceful than at the beach, alone, on a beautiful morning. This is where I can reflect, disconnect from the world, and connect to Earth and nature. I love staring out onto the ocean (which is amazing and mysterious). I love hearing the waves crash, breeze blow, and birds chirp. There are no people around to drowned out the calming sounds. I love feeling the morning sun on my skin, the salty breeze off the ocean and the cool, soft sand around my feet. This is my church, my Zen!

The sun will get higher, the sand and temperature will get hotter and people will start to arrive but after such a calm morning I will be refreshed, revived, renewed and ready to take on the day.

What is your church? Where/when do you feel the most at peace?


Power By The Hour

Looking forward to spreading my love of B12 Energy Gummies! I’m now going to be selling these gummies. As I mentioned in my previous post it’s a much better alternative to coffee, pre-workout powders or energy drinks. B12 is brain power and with more power to your brain, you’ll have more power for your body!

Coo-Coo for Coconut


Anybody who knows me knows that I am OBSESSED with coconut. I eat coconut multiple times a day. Unsweetened shredded coconut in my oatmeal yogurt breakfast concoction, coconut water for my protein shakes, coconut encrusted shrimp or chicken, toasted coconut almonds, frozen coconut bars, coconut ice cream…. the list goes on forever. Coconut scented candles, shampoos, lotions, sprays, etc. are also my favorites. Obviously I love coconut and luckily it has many health benefits!!! Listed are some websites that describe the many health benefits. After checking them out you may also become coo-coo for coconut.


Coconut Health Benefits, Life Saving and Antioxidant Properties


Today’s WOD was a fun yet difficult circuit.

2 minutes high intensity, 45 seconds rest/move to next station.

Station 1: Snatch medicine ball above head, slam to ground, push-up w/ hands on medicine ball.
Station 2: Holding onto kettlebell w/ both hands, step up onto bend/box & press KB above head, step down & goblet squat. Alternate legs.
Station 3: Kettlebell Swings
Station 4: Jump rope
Station 5: Bear Complex
Station 6: Abs/sit-ups of choice
Station 7: Burpees
Station 8: Hammercurls w/ dumbbells.


Lady Beast Wod


Using tires, sledgehammers and ropes make you feel extra strong and powerful PLUS you can get out a lot of anger/aggression! Who doesn’t love that!?


20 Sledgehammer strikes (left foot forward, right hand on top)
20 Step ups right leg on tire
Med ball toss & chase
20 Jumps (click feet together in air) w/ med ball overhead
Med ball toss & chase
20 Step ups left leg on tire
20 Sledgehammer strikes (right foot forward, left hand on top)

20 Battle ropes as partner works

Tire flip race to end