Adapt and Conquer


In order to live a happy life and be successful in all you do, adaptation is key. Life is full of obstacles and changes. If you don’t have the ability or desire to adapt you’ll find yourself stuck and miserable. Don’t change who you are, just change your view. Be open, be flexible, be willing. If you can adapt, you’ll be able to conquer anything.

Today’s WOD is adapted from a WOD done at South Mountain Crossfit this past saturday. There were many girls with injuries & issues but they all managed to adapt and find a way to conquer the wod.

4 min AMRAP – 2 min rest/transition to the next station

Station 1:
4 tire flips
8 tire jumps

Station 2:
5 man makers
10 sit-ups w/ weight

Station 3:
6 50 yard sprints
12 med ball cleans

Station 4:
7 squat jump, push-ups
14 battle ropes

Station 5:
8 broad jumps
16 handstands or handstand walks


Today’s RECIPE is an adaptation of stuffed peppers. I whipped it up using leftover pulled pork. Definitely conquered this one….

Pulled Pork:
In crockpot on Low for 7 hours….
1 lb pork loin
2 cans diced tomatoes with chilis
1 packet GrillMates Mojito Lime
1 small can black beans
1/2 can corn (weight until last hour to add)

Prepare 1-1/2 cups of couscous.

Preheat oven to 350.
Place halved peppers in baking dish.
Mix couscous with shredded pork.
Stuff peppers w/ mixture.
Pour some tomato sauce over top of peppers.

Cook, covered for 1 hour. With 15 mins remaining remove cover, sprinkle w/ cheese of choice.