World Cup Friday Wod Challenge

Instead of, or while, getting rip roaring drunk watching the World Cup games today, try this challenge!

I’ll be doing it during the Italy vs Costa Rica game… Go Italy!!!

Foul – 5 burpees
Shot (on goal or not) – 10 V-ups
Save – 10 lunges
Corner Kick – 5 hand release push ups
Goal kick – 6 squats
Throw In – 7 sit ups
Yellow Card – 8 sumo jumping jacks
Red Card – 9 dips on sofa/ table/chair
Substitution – 10 squats
Goal – broad jump burpees equivalent to the scorers number

Good Luck! Let me know how it goes!

B12 Affiliate & Last Day of School

B12 Affiliate & Last Day of School

Yesterday marked the official last day of the school year.  This was a long, stressful year but all the hugs and “I’ll miss you’s” that I received yesterday made it all worth while.  I finished my final school day with a work out:

Warm up:

Every 30 seconds for 6 minutes do 6 burpees.



Deadlifts, V-Ups, Back Squat

Though the school year has come to an end, I do also teach dance classes and our rehearsal is today.   Even though I didn’t set an alarm today, I still woke before 8.  I decided to visit the Fresh Market and grind up some fresh Kona Blend coffee beans and got vegetable chips. By veggie chips I mean actual vegetables that are roasted and sprinkled with some sea salt… delicious.

One of things I’m looking forward to the most this summer is promoting my favorite B12 Energy Gummies.  I’ve discussed these in previous posts and urge you to try them.  I’ve gotten only GREAT feedback!

Keep a look out for upcoming posts with workouts and new recipes!!!

Power By The Hour

Looking forward to spreading my love of B12 Energy Gummies! I’m now going to be selling these gummies. As I mentioned in my previous post it’s a much better alternative to coffee, pre-workout powders or energy drinks. B12 is brain power and with more power to your brain, you’ll have more power for your body!


The school year is finally coming to end and that means more time to work on my fitness, recipes and blog! This year has been filled with so much awesomeness and allowed me to grow in so many ways.  I am now engaged and planning engagement parties, a weddingmoon and reception. The pool in my neighborhood has finally opened, which means I can add swimming to my WOD’s and then lay by the pool afterwards.  Vacations are planned, soccer games are booked and all of this has me smiling.

Throughout this year I’ve discovered some new, as well as stuck with some old, products to help me through my workouts, soreness and life in general.  Here are a few of those products, new and old,:

B12 Energy Gummies – I swear by these little gummies.  One little gummy gives me all the energy I need to power through a workout without the crash, jitters or powdery drink.

SuperHD – Being a women who lifts and likes to eat, these help me keep my physique while still improving strength.

ReGen by RSP – This stuff is great for soreness and tired muscles.  I’ve used this all year long and, in combination with glutamine, is the best recovery product.

About Time Protein – This has remained my favorite protein and I’m excited to try some of the new products About Time has created.

As the summer approaches and the school year ends, I hope inspiration is still in the air whether it is new or old.


Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Dreamy Cookies

cookiesThese are probably the best cookies I’ve ever made and the tastiest! You won’t be disappointed.

Yields 24 cookies.
Serving Size – 3 cookies.
Around 100 calories per serving.

1/4 cup quick oats
1/3 cup natural peanut butter
1/3 cup PB&Co’s Dark Chocolate Dreams (Available at Target, Walmart & most grocery stores. I’ve found that Walmart sells a large jar for the cheapest price.)
1 egg
4 tbsp Splenda Brown Sugar
1 tbsp Wheat Germ
2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp baking powder
6 tbsp warm water
1/4 cup unsalted nuts of your choice (you could also use white chocolate chips or dark chocolate chips, be creative)

1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2. Combine all ingredients in bowl.
3. Spoon by rounded tablespoons onto ungreased cookie sheet.
4. Bake for 10-12 minutes.
5. Let cool… then CHOW DOWN!

Workouts & Recipes Galore

Because preseason starts next week, today was the last day of summer fitness trainings for the girls HS soccer team. My soccer players were not the only ladies coming to these fitness trainings so I’ve decided to continue them throughout August for women & non-soccer players. Wednesday’s and Thursday’s workouts were two of the hardest that I planned. This was strategic. I want myself and these girls to see just have far they’ve come and just how hard they can push themselves. Now only was I impressed but I could see them beaming with pride after accomplishing each WOD. During the WOD however I saw lots of sweat and angry looks coming my way. They’ll thank me when they kick butt in preseason!

Wednesday WOD
4 rounds
10x front squat w/ bar
10x push press w/ bar
10x back extensions
10x deadlift high-pull w/ bar
10x thrusters
10x V-ups
10x kettlebell swings
1 lap around school (elevation changes, surface changes) approx. 800m

Thursday WOD
toes to wall
tuck jumps
star jumps
baby pushers w/ wall ball
wall balls
**after each round hold kettlebell above head for the amount of time it took to complete that round




One thing I love and hate about summer is all my free time. My free time is typically spend cleaning and cooking. I love finding and creating new dishes & recipes. Here are 3 easy recipes that I’ve cooked up in the last 2 days…


Zucchini Tots
– Preheat oven to 400 & spray cupcake pan w/ non-stick spray
– peel zucchini cut into cubes
– place zucchini in good processor or blended to chop into approx 1-1/2 cups
– in bowl combine zucchini, 1/2 cup panko bread crumbs, 1/2 cup wheat germ, 2 eggs, 1/2 shredded cheese of choice, salt & pepper & garlic powder to taste
– scoop mixture into pan, each cup should be about 1/2 full
– Cook for 18 minutes & ENJOY!!!






Sautéed Zucchini Sticks
– Slice zucchini into sticks 1/4 in thick and 2-3 inches long
– in small pan heat 1 tbs smart balance omega-3 butter spread
– add zucchini to pan and cook until browned
– sprinkle w/ sea salt and ENJOY!!




Whole Wheat Chocolate Chip Banana Cookies
– Preheat oven 350.
– With mixer combine 2 tbs smart balance omega-3 butter & 2 tbs olive oil with 1/2 splenda & 1/2 cup brown sugar splenda
– add 2 eggs to mixture & blend
– add 2 scoops banana protein powder & blend
– add 2 cups (1 at a time) whole wheat flour
– add 1 tsp baking powder & 1 tsp baking soda & blend
– add 1/4 cup vanilla greek yogurt & blend
– with spoon mix in Hershey’s Special Dark Chocolate Chips
– spoon onto baking sheet

Adapt and Conquer


In order to live a happy life and be successful in all you do, adaptation is key. Life is full of obstacles and changes. If you don’t have the ability or desire to adapt you’ll find yourself stuck and miserable. Don’t change who you are, just change your view. Be open, be flexible, be willing. If you can adapt, you’ll be able to conquer anything.

Today’s WOD is adapted from a WOD done at South Mountain Crossfit this past saturday. There were many girls with injuries & issues but they all managed to adapt and find a way to conquer the wod.

4 min AMRAP – 2 min rest/transition to the next station

Station 1:
4 tire flips
8 tire jumps

Station 2:
5 man makers
10 sit-ups w/ weight

Station 3:
6 50 yard sprints
12 med ball cleans

Station 4:
7 squat jump, push-ups
14 battle ropes

Station 5:
8 broad jumps
16 handstands or handstand walks


Today’s RECIPE is an adaptation of stuffed peppers. I whipped it up using leftover pulled pork. Definitely conquered this one….

Pulled Pork:
In crockpot on Low for 7 hours….
1 lb pork loin
2 cans diced tomatoes with chilis
1 packet GrillMates Mojito Lime
1 small can black beans
1/2 can corn (weight until last hour to add)

Prepare 1-1/2 cups of couscous.

Preheat oven to 350.
Place halved peppers in baking dish.
Mix couscous with shredded pork.
Stuff peppers w/ mixture.
Pour some tomato sauce over top of peppers.

Cook, covered for 1 hour. With 15 mins remaining remove cover, sprinkle w/ cheese of choice.