If at first you don’t succeed….

you are probably human! Failure is inevitable but our ability to maintain integrity while learning from our failures is way more important than being successful all of the time. I’m very hard on myself and have always battled my obsession with perfection. Once I calm myself down and dig deep I always realize that imperfections are what make us unique humans. As humans we can learn from, adapt to and overcome most things but expecting constant success and perfection is irrational. I’m not perfect. You’re not perfect. Maintain integrity. Push yourself. Acknowledge and celebrate your faults or weakness. Be positive. Live in this moment. You (and me) will be the BEST version of ourselves at this very moment.



On a daily basis I drink a variety of things. Many people overlook their beverage choices as far as nutrition is concerned. I’ve know many people who were able to lose weight or reach fitness goals just by making better beverage choices. I’ve decided to share with you a few of my favorite, daily beverage choices. There will be a follow up post in the near future discussing beverages to avoid.

1. neuro
Neuro beverages are lightly carbonated flavored water with added vitamins and nutrients. My favorite may be the Mellow Mango SLEEP drink. It’s light and delicious. THe SLEEP beverage contains melatonin and really helps me fall asleep and stay asleep. I’ve tried all of their drinks and love them all. They’ve up’ed their game and added more variety.

2. karma
Karma wellness water is a recent (accidental) find. While shopping for water I saw these were on sale and decided to try a few flavors. Similar to neuro they have different drinks, for different needs and in different flavors. Karma is different from other dirnks thought, in that you do not add the vitamins and flavors to the water until you are ready to drink. I have not seen anything like this before. All of the flavors are unique and delicious. My only complaint is that if you don’t not mix it well enough, you’ll get a little of that vitamin flavor.

3. Vita Coco
This remains one of the favorites. Coconut water with delicious flavors. I usually use this with my protein powder to make a delicious tropical shake. They’ve come out a with a lemonade flavor that is great for summer. I’ve found people either love or hate coconut water. If you are a coconut water hater, this may not be for you.

4. Zico
Chocolate coconut water. This is heavenly!!! You will think you are drinking chocolate milk, NOT drinking coconut water. Whether you love or hate coconut water, you are guarenteed to love this drink. Though hard to find, they also have a pineapple flavor which I prefer over the Vita Coco pineapple flavor.

5. Smart Water
If i’m going to buy a bottled water this is usually my go to. Such a clean, crisp flavor.

6. Hawaiian Springs
This is another accidental find. While peruzing through The Fresh Market, I had not choice but to grade one of these, as i’ve always been obsessed with Hawaii. It may have been a mental thing, but I’m pretty sure this was the best water I’ve ever had.

7. Water (in general)
I drink a lot of filtered water from my fridge. It’s not Hawaiian or Smart water, but still delicious.

8. Milk
Regular, Low-Fat, milk. People have many issues with milk and swear by Soy or Coconut Milk. I’ve tried milk alternatives but I just love regular milk too much and nothing can compare.

No Equipment No Excuses

The school gym is being waxed and cleaned but that doesn’t mean fitness training should be cancelled or ignored. You don’t need equipment to get stronger, faster and in shape for fall sports. Here is a workout that can be done at home without fancy equipment. My fiancé volunteered to demonstrate some of the motions. Video clips will be posted to twitter. @m_joseph_11

Good luck. Kick butt.

BONUS: Post pics, videos, or comments of how well you did or how much you struggled!

Fire Watcher

I spent three days last week fire watching. My job consists of watching guys (including my handsome fiancé) weld steel on the roof of a hospital addition in Delaware. On the job I’m equipped with a water jug, fire extinguisher, work boots, neon T, safety glasses, bandana and hard hat. My duties involved setting up, fetching tools, watching for and putting out fires but mostly sweating! Growing up around construction workers I’ve always had appreciation and respect for people who work outside in extreme heat and cold, but that appreciation and respect is much deeper. I loved fire watching so much that I’m back again for another 3 day stint.




My Church

This is my church. For me, there is no time or place more serene and peaceful than at the beach, alone, on a beautiful morning. This is where I can reflect, disconnect from the world, and connect to Earth and nature. I love staring out onto the ocean (which is amazing and mysterious). I love hearing the waves crash, breeze blow, and birds chirp. There are no people around to drowned out the calming sounds. I love feeling the morning sun on my skin, the salty breeze off the ocean and the cool, soft sand around my feet. This is my church, my Zen!

The sun will get higher, the sand and temperature will get hotter and people will start to arrive but after such a calm morning I will be refreshed, revived, renewed and ready to take on the day.

What is your church? Where/when do you feel the most at peace?


Booty-ful Thursday

Yesterday may have been my favorite Thursday ever…

My day started with a long & hard leg and booty workout with my fitness chicks. 24 hours later and to say that I’m sore is an understatement! I may appear to walk like a penguin or take 5 minutes to sit down or stand up but I love the soreness. Being sore = positive results!

The second part of my day involved family, USA World Cup soccer, sunshine and Bethlehem, PA. Being with my Mom, sisters, nephews and brother in law is always great but being outside in Bethlehem watching USA (lose to Germany) make it to the second round of World Cup play was incredible!

I came home prepped dinner then went to the pool where I completely passed out for an hour. Impromptu naps, poolside, on a gorgeous sunny day are the best kind of naps!

The absolute best part of my day occurred when my fiancé came home! He’s working in Delaware for 2 weeks but came home last night just to see me! He’s amazing and nothing makes me happier than seeing him, talking to him, hugging, kissing and especially snuggling with him. He’s my world!

Today I will take a rest day and visit my future mother-in-law in wildwood! BEACH DAY 🙂

Make sure you take time to acknowledge all the little moments each day that make you smile. ❤


Boulder Shoulders – Sore No More


Today marked the first day of summer fitness training and I’m very happy and proud of the group that showed up today. They completed every rep and didn’t complain (out loud). It was a lot of shoulder work and I’m sure we’ll all have a hard time lifting our arms to wash our hair for the next 2 days.

With that being said remember that we get one body to live in and it’s important to build it up and also treat it right, especially when it’s sore. No matter how sore you feel remember to:
1. Move! Do not stay static because your soreness will intensify.
2. Drink lots of water!
3. Take glutamine and drink a protein shake immediate after and/or before bed.
4. Shower! A nice hot shower or bath always makes things better, especially if you stretch at the same time.
5. Sleep! Your body does a lot of self healing and renewal while you dream.
6. Eat! the right stuff. While you may feel ravenous or depleted after a tough workout, go for the good stuff first!
7. Roll out! A roller is a great way to relieve soreness and is something I love by! I highly recommend you invest in a good foam roller… NOW!

Now it’s time to watch soccer! Go Italy!

How awesome is my new shirt! A gift from my fiancé ❤

Sunny Summer Solstice


Today my fiancé is competing at the Steelfit Championships at Jenkinsons Boardwalk in NJ. I’m so proud of him. I know he is going to kick butt but I have bummed that I won’t be there to cheer him on, not to mention he’s been and is going to be away for work. Been feeling a little down and lonely so I was determined to wake up this morning and run my buns off. I wanted to bring in the summer solstice with a sunny mood and it worked. Not only do I feel great but I was greeted by this rabbit when I got home from my run. Can’t imagine a better way to start my day!

No better way to start the day, summer or weekend than with a nice long run!

Now time to shower and get ready for a day filled with dance recitals!