Booty-ful Thursday

Yesterday may have been my favorite Thursday ever…

My day started with a long & hard leg and booty workout with my fitness chicks. 24 hours later and to say that I’m sore is an understatement! I may appear to walk like a penguin or take 5 minutes to sit down or stand up but I love the soreness. Being sore = positive results!

The second part of my day involved family, USA World Cup soccer, sunshine and Bethlehem, PA. Being with my Mom, sisters, nephews and brother in law is always great but being outside in Bethlehem watching USA (lose to Germany) make it to the second round of World Cup play was incredible!

I came home prepped dinner then went to the pool where I completely passed out for an hour. Impromptu naps, poolside, on a gorgeous sunny day are the best kind of naps!

The absolute best part of my day occurred when my fiancé came home! He’s working in Delaware for 2 weeks but came home last night just to see me! He’s amazing and nothing makes me happier than seeing him, talking to him, hugging, kissing and especially snuggling with him. He’s my world!

Today I will take a rest day and visit my future mother-in-law in wildwood! BEACH DAY 🙂

Make sure you take time to acknowledge all the little moments each day that make you smile. ❤


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