Boulder Shoulders – Sore No More


Today marked the first day of summer fitness training and I’m very happy and proud of the group that showed up today. They completed every rep and didn’t complain (out loud). It was a lot of shoulder work and I’m sure we’ll all have a hard time lifting our arms to wash our hair for the next 2 days.

With that being said remember that we get one body to live in and it’s important to build it up and also treat it right, especially when it’s sore. No matter how sore you feel remember to:
1. Move! Do not stay static because your soreness will intensify.
2. Drink lots of water!
3. Take glutamine and drink a protein shake immediate after and/or before bed.
4. Shower! A nice hot shower or bath always makes things better, especially if you stretch at the same time.
5. Sleep! Your body does a lot of self healing and renewal while you dream.
6. Eat! the right stuff. While you may feel ravenous or depleted after a tough workout, go for the good stuff first!
7. Roll out! A roller is a great way to relieve soreness and is something I love by! I highly recommend you invest in a good foam roller… NOW!

Now it’s time to watch soccer! Go Italy!

How awesome is my new shirt! A gift from my fiancé ❤

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