Motivation Gets You Started

Motivation all around me today.  Got a text from a football coach about my FC Fitness Center workouts.

Motivation all around me today. Got a text from a football coach about my FC Fitness Center workouts.

First day back to training after 4 days filled with dance recitals, fitness competitions, beach, dancing and indulging.  Haven’t taken 4 days off in a long time but it did my body good.  I feel refreshed, renewed and more motivated than ever.

Today’s workout was designed to help increase speed and was a lot tougher than expected.  Despite the intensity, every single lady completed the workout with heart.

My goal has been too motivate others, but I’m realizing quickly that you get what you give.  Every piece of motivation I give comes back (in some way) as motivating for me!

Today’s WOD:

1:10 high intensity

:45 rest

Wall Balls

Split Leg Dumbbell Deadlift

One Arm Dumbbell Snatch

Supine March (alternating)

Alternating Hammer Curls with Dumbbells

Supine March (both legs together)

One Arm Dumbbell Snatch

Split Leg Dumbbell Deadlift

Wall Balls


My 2nd Wod:

5 mins jump-ropes

5 mins row machine

Here's a collage from the SuperFit Championships.  My boyfriend competed and I was very proud and impressed by his performs.  He motivates me to be the best me everyday.  He inspires me, supports me and is my biggest fan.  <3

Here’s a collage from the SuperFit Championships. My boyfriend competed and I was very proud and impressed by his performance. He motivates me, inspires me, supports me and loves me more than anyone. He’s the handsome man in red shorts ❤


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