Spice Up Your Life… or Workout!


If you do the same workout or use the same equipment everyday, you will never stay satisfied and you will fall out of habit easily. The same applies to food! Everyday I do something different: I use varied equipment, intensities and/or types of workouts. Today was a kettlebell based workout but you can just as easily use weights, jugs of water or objects in your house. Get creative!! Kettlebells are just another piece of equipment to keep things fresh and new. SPICE IT UP!
Today’s Group WOD:

800 meter warm-up (while the group ran I transfered all the kettlebells from a closet, into the gym – farmer walking galore!)

3 Rounds

15x sumo deadlift high pulls w/ kettle bell

15x Push Press w/ kettlebell

Farmers Walk Across gym (kettlebell in each hand)

500 meter run on varying surfaces and levels

Farmer Walk Back across gym (kettlebell in each hand)

15x Kettlebell Swings

1 minute break between rounds

I followed this up with my a small individual WOD:

3 Rounds

10x box jumps

10x cable pull-downs


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