Power by the Hour

You are reading correctly... I ate a donut today.  Being successful means not depriving yourself.  Succumb to your cravings but be smart about them.

You are reading correctly… I ate a donut today. Being successful means not depriving yourself. Succumb to your cravings but be smart about them.

Today marks the first day of summer training sessions.  I’m offering sessions every Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday from 8-9am.  12 girls showed up for the first training session. The feeling I get after training is amazing, but the feeling I got after training this group of ladies today was indescribable.  Hoping I didn’t scare them away….


800 meter run on the track

400 meter run (around the Freshman Center) on varied surfaces, inclines & declines.

WOD – I demonstrated various scaled movements (including options for a girl with a broken arm), had them practice the movements and then did the workout with them.

4 Rounds

12 thrusters

12 V-ups

12 burpees

Cool-down (all done with a partner)

1/4 mile indian run

1/4 mile leap frog run

1/4 mile piggy-back run

1/4 mile spring holding hands


I did the WOD with the girls this morning AND I have a soccer game tonight, so extra-carbs are necessary throughout the day.  My game is at 8:15pm.  One of these gummies will be necessary.  Pre-workouts and energy drinks before a workout are something that I am against.  Maybe I’ll address that in a later post 🙂

energy gummies


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