Protein Power Push

Protein is an extremely important part of fitness and health. Protein helps your body recover after a workout and gives you a satisfied full feeling. There are so many types of protein out there and many people hesistate adding it to their regimen because of the usually high amounts of carbs, sugar, fat and ‘other stuff’ found in powders. Not all athletes are trying to bulk-up and many are health conscious. After research and trying many different powders, here are my picks…

#1 Protein

#1 Protein

#2 Protein

#2 Protein


I like these because they:
1. taste good… in shakes and food recipes
2. low carb (About Time has none!)

3. fat-free

4. no artificial sugars

5. no ‘extra’ stuff (artificial flavors, fillers, growth hormones)

No matter how good the protein powder, it’s hard for me to just mix it with water…. yuck.  I add protein to almost everything: oatmeal, muffins, pancakes, cupcakes, cereal, yogurt, brownies, etc.  My favorite flavor is vanilla because it mixes well into almost any recipe.  Here are my favorite, most delicious ways to incorporate protein into my day.

BREAKFAST OF CHAMPS (or snack for anytime of day)

1/4 cup quick oats 1 scoop protein powder 1 tbs unsweetened coconut flakes 1 egg (optional) 1 tbs pure almond butter (or flavored peanut butter from PB & Co) * Add water and microwave for 90 seconds. Remove and mix. Microwave for another 90 seconds. ADD Lots of Cinnamon 1 spoonful of vanilla greek yogurt MIX & ENJOY... like dessert!

1/4 cup quick oats
1 scoop protein powder
1 tbs unsweetened coconut flakes
1 egg (optional)
1 tbs pure almond butter (or flavored peanut butter from PB & Co)
* Add water and microwave for 90 seconds. Remove and mix. Microwave for another 90 seconds.
Lots of Cinnamon
1 spoonful of vanilla greek yogurt
MIX & ENJOY… like dessert!

PINA COLADA PROTEIN SHAKE (the perfect summer post-workout drink)

1 Scoop Vanilla Protein 1/2 container Pinapple Coconut Water Mix in a protein shaker and enjoy.  You can even use a blender with ice for an even more refreshing shake!

1 Scoop Vanilla Protein
1/2 container Pinapple Coconut Water
Mix in a protein shaker and enjoy. You can even use a blender with ice for an even more refreshing shake!


Now use the protein to power up and push through today’s workout 🙂



30 reps of each exercise in round 1 – followed by 300 jump ropes, jumping jacks or a combo

20 reps of each exercise in round 2 – followed by 200 jump ropes, jumping jacks or a combo

10 reps of each exercise in round 3 – followed by 100 jump ropes, jumping jacks or a combo

You also must complete 100 straight-leg sit-ups by the end of the workout. You can space them throughout, in between rounds, or save them for the end.



RUSSIAN TWISTS (left + right = 1 rep)



Here are some girls killing today's WOD.  Girls lift heavy things too!

Here are some girls killing today’s WOD. Girls lift heavy things too!


Motivation Gets You Started

Motivation all around me today.  Got a text from a football coach about my FC Fitness Center workouts.

Motivation all around me today. Got a text from a football coach about my FC Fitness Center workouts.

First day back to training after 4 days filled with dance recitals, fitness competitions, beach, dancing and indulging.  Haven’t taken 4 days off in a long time but it did my body good.  I feel refreshed, renewed and more motivated than ever.

Today’s workout was designed to help increase speed and was a lot tougher than expected.  Despite the intensity, every single lady completed the workout with heart.

My goal has been too motivate others, but I’m realizing quickly that you get what you give.  Every piece of motivation I give comes back (in some way) as motivating for me!

Today’s WOD:

1:10 high intensity

:45 rest

Wall Balls

Split Leg Dumbbell Deadlift

One Arm Dumbbell Snatch

Supine March (alternating)

Alternating Hammer Curls with Dumbbells

Supine March (both legs together)

One Arm Dumbbell Snatch

Split Leg Dumbbell Deadlift

Wall Balls


My 2nd Wod:

5 mins jump-ropes

5 mins row machine

Here's a collage from the SuperFit Championships.  My boyfriend competed and I was very proud and impressed by his performs.  He motivates me to be the best me everyday.  He inspires me, supports me and is my biggest fan.  <3

Here’s a collage from the SuperFit Championships. My boyfriend competed and I was very proud and impressed by his performance. He motivates me, inspires me, supports me and loves me more than anyone. He’s the handsome man in red shorts ❤


Spice Up Your Life… or Workout!


If you do the same workout or use the same equipment everyday, you will never stay satisfied and you will fall out of habit easily. The same applies to food! Everyday I do something different: I use varied equipment, intensities and/or types of workouts. Today was a kettlebell based workout but you can just as easily use weights, jugs of water or objects in your house. Get creative!! Kettlebells are just another piece of equipment to keep things fresh and new. SPICE IT UP!
Today’s Group WOD:

800 meter warm-up (while the group ran I transfered all the kettlebells from a closet, into the gym – farmer walking galore!)

3 Rounds

15x sumo deadlift high pulls w/ kettle bell

15x Push Press w/ kettlebell

Farmers Walk Across gym (kettlebell in each hand)

500 meter run on varying surfaces and levels

Farmer Walk Back across gym (kettlebell in each hand)

15x Kettlebell Swings

1 minute break between rounds

I followed this up with my a small individual WOD:

3 Rounds

10x box jumps

10x cable pull-downs


Pushing Through a Happy Hump Day

Today was filled with fitness, shopping, soccer and yummy food. A happy day for me is one in which I get in a good workout, eat fulfilling food, spend time with my family and quality time with my love. Today was a happy day.

This morning’s WOD (my fitness center ladies killed it btw):

Dynamic Warm-up

3 Rounds
15 push-ups
20 leg lifts
10 broad jumps walk outs
15 speed skaters (right & left = 1 rep)
150 jump ropes

My WOD continued with 6 Rounds of:
5 Pull-ups
5 Dips
15 Calf Raises
15 Toe Raises

Do this with your head against the wall.  Toes need to touch the wall.  Keep legs straight and together. Lift butt of the ground at the top of the motion for extra ab work.

Leg Lifts – Do this with your head against the wall. Toes need to touch the wall. Keep legs straight and together. Lift butt off the ground at the top of the motion for extra ab work.

After each broad jump (from the squat position) you walk your hands out into the top of a push-up position. Then walk your feet back to your hands.  Repeat!

After each broad jump (from the squat position) you walk your hands out into the top of a push-up position. Then walk your feet back to your hands. Repeat!

Great move for your legs and butt!

Speed Skaters – Great move for your legs and butt!

Strawberry Vanilla Protein Wheat Pancakes

Strawberry Vanilla Protein Wheat Pancakes

Made these tonight as part of ‘Breakfast for Dinner’ (one of Nick’s favorite dinners!)

2 cups bisquick complete wheat pancake mix
2 scoops About Time Vanilla Whey Protein Powder
I Muller Greek Corner Strawberry Yogurt
1 cup of water

Whisk together and cook. Serve with Strawberry syrup or with fresh strawberries and greek yogurt on top.


Power by the Hour

You are reading correctly... I ate a donut today.  Being successful means not depriving yourself.  Succumb to your cravings but be smart about them.

You are reading correctly… I ate a donut today. Being successful means not depriving yourself. Succumb to your cravings but be smart about them.

Today marks the first day of summer training sessions.  I’m offering sessions every Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday from 8-9am.  12 girls showed up for the first training session. The feeling I get after training is amazing, but the feeling I got after training this group of ladies today was indescribable.  Hoping I didn’t scare them away….


800 meter run on the track

400 meter run (around the Freshman Center) on varied surfaces, inclines & declines.

WOD – I demonstrated various scaled movements (including options for a girl with a broken arm), had them practice the movements and then did the workout with them.

4 Rounds

12 thrusters

12 V-ups

12 burpees

Cool-down (all done with a partner)

1/4 mile indian run

1/4 mile leap frog run

1/4 mile piggy-back run

1/4 mile spring holding hands


I did the WOD with the girls this morning AND I have a soccer game tonight, so extra-carbs are necessary throughout the day.  My game is at 8:15pm.  One of these gummies will be necessary.  Pre-workouts and energy drinks before a workout are something that I am against.  Maybe I’ll address that in a later post 🙂

energy gummies